
Hummingbird Church Participant Intake Form

Please read the information on this page before getting started.

The following form helps us understand a little bit more about you and how we can best ensure that you have a meaningful and safe experience during our sacred healing ceremonies.

Please take into consideration that this is a religious ceremony, not a medical or wellness procedure or facility.

You are required to complete this intake form before you will be eligible to participate in any of our sacred ceremonies. 

You are not eligible to participate in a sacred healing ceremony if:

You are under the age of 21.

You are in your first trimester of pregnancy.

You have a history of psychosis and or schizophrenia.

You have been diagnosed with a personality disorder.

You currently have active medicated bipolar disorder.

You have a history of seizures or diagnosis of epilepsy.

You currently have anorexia and / or bulimia.

You have ever experienced a stroke or embolism.

You have severe asthma or emphysema.

You have a known cardiac illness.

You have uncontrolled high blood pressure.

You have Crohn disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, or intestinal ulcers.

You have had surgery within the last three months on any part of your digestive system.

You currently have liver disease.

For health and safety reasons you cannot attend a sacred healing ceremony if at the time of the retreat you are taking SSRIs, recreational drugs, or have taken any medication or supplements 24 hours prior to the ceremony.

All of your responses are entirely confidential.

Please read each question and answer carefully.

If you would prefer not to answer a question, please leave it blank.

Inappropriate sexual behavior will result in immediate removal from the ceremony.

The top priority of Hummingbird Church is to create a safe space for all participants and staff. Our ceremonies are not a place to hook up with people or engage in sexual activity. Out of respect for the sacredness of our ceremonies and the participants in attendance, we will ask the parties involved in sexual activity to leave the retreat.

We are not referring to your behavior while in ceremony, we are referring to deliberate behavior outside of the actual ceremony. This is a place to heal and commune with God, not a party, or a place to meet singles.

If you meet someone that you have a genuine connection with, we encourage you to engage with them at a more appropriate time, outside of the retreat.

During our retreats participants are in vulnerable states and have their hearts open. We cannot chance predators taking advantage of anyone in this state, so we take excessive touching, massaging, caressing, cuddling, and co-sleeping between participants very serious.

If you are attending with a significant other you can engage in touching, cuddling, caressing, and massage outside of the actual ceremony, we just ask that you refrain from sexual activity during the length of the retreat.

Please do not hit on our staff, trust that the love you feel from them is genuine and platonic. Our staff adheres to a strict code of conduct which requires them to take certain steps if they form a romantic connection with anyone they meet at a retreat.

If you have a true connection with someone, what is true now will be true a month from now. So please respect yourself and all attendees by refraining from any romantic and / or sexual behavior while at our retreats.

Non-refundable / Non -transferable deposit and No Refund Policy:

Once accepted, your spot will be reserved by making the non-refundable, non-transferable deposit. Final payment for the remaining balance is due two weeks before the retreat starts. If you have made final payment and are unable to attend, we will transfer your amount paid, minus your deposit, to a future retreat. We will not issue a refund as we pay for the retreat well in advance of the actual date.

We understand that unexpected events in life happen and we want to work with you the best that we can, and this policy is it. Our church lost over $10,000 in 2022 from registered participants not showing up, being transferred to multiple retreats, and from no shows demanding refunds and disputing credit card charges. We are a non-profit and any excess funds we receive go directly towards funding scholarships for veterans, first responders, and BIPOC.

Disputing credit card charges and reporting charges as fraudulent activity to your bank and/or credit card will result in you no longer being accepted to attend any future events. This activity is dishonest, and time consuming and costly for us to deal with.

Do not pay the non-refundable, non-transferable deposit unless you fully understand and accept this policy.

Our upcoming ceremonies:

Demographic Information:

Ceremony Interest:

Motivations and Challenges:

About You:

Have you experienced any of the following?

Medical Information:

Please select the response that accurately describes you:

Signature and Agreement page.